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PL mounts

PL mounts

Now, another popular lens mount is the PL lens mount. PL lens mounts were developed by Arri for use with their 16 and 35 millimeter professional film and video cameras. This is the high end of the film making food chain. In fact, it's so high that I don't even have the PL camera here to show you as a demonstration. PL mounts are probably what you're most likely to come across if you're on a feature film set, national commercial, or other big budget work. By the way, the PL stands for positive lock, if you like to know that kind of thing. PL mount lenses can be recognized by the four little notch leaves around them. These notches line up with little pins on the mount that hold them in place. Many, if not most of the most expensive and high quality professional lenses come with PL mounts. Some of the most popular high-end video cameras that come with or have a PL mount option are the Arri Alexa, the Red One, as well as the Red Scarlet and Epic cameras, the Sony F3, the ultra high-speed…
