From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Great audio and sound design

Great audio and sound design

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Great audio and sound design

- I know I've already covered the extreme importance of capturing good audio in some other courses, but it's a point that I don't think can be overemphasized for aspiring filmmakers and I make it for good reason. The easiest way to spot an amateur filmmaker from an experienced one from a mile away is by the attention given to audio. Nothing will cause festival screeners, potential distributors, grant foundations, or an audience, or even your own family members, to hit the stop button and dismiss your project faster than bad audio. You simply can't easily disguise it, work around it or ignore it. There's a popular saying among filmmakers and that the only difference between a documentary and a home movie is good audio. And like some sayings, it's often repeated because it also happens to be 100% true. Bad sound is probably the number one thing that sabotages otherwise potentially good video projects. It really is completely heartbreaking sometimes to watch a project that a lot more…
