From the course: Pro Video Tips

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- Well I hope you all enjoyed watching this last year of Pro Video Tips on as much as I've enjoyed writing and shooting them with the whole and the video team. We set out with the original goal of helping you to become a more effective film maker with a deeper tool belt of tricks, understanding and film making knowledge, and I think we accomplished that over the 60+ episodes we shot to date. In crafting these lessons, rather than just focus on the usual technical aspects of film making, I wanted to also focus on some of the less tangible, but incredibly important aspects of film making. Things like safety, production logistics, managing your crew, leadership and just how to jump start a stalled production. It is my fondest wish that somewhere along the way, you not only picked up a new film trick or technique that you could apply to your own film making, but I also hope that you now feel more empowered and inspired to push the boundaries of your creativity and to confront…
