From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Canon C100 overview

Canon C100 overview

Probably the number one question people email me or ask me about is what camera should they buy, what camera do I own, what camera do I like. Well, today, for the first time on camera, I'm going to answer that question. And that is currently the Cannon C100. Now, I've been shooting video and film for 20 some year now and this is actually the first camera that I've actually ever bought. I've always had access to cameras, and I'll talk about how you can do that in other places, but I've never actually owned a camera until this C100 right now, and I'm very happy with this purchase. This is a really, popular camera right now, it's essentially a cross between a pro video camera and a DSLR. So, if a full-sized video camera and a DSLR got together and had a baby, it would be the Canon C100. What is the price point of this camera? It's at about $6,000 or so which is very reasonable for the features that it has. Compared to its big brother, which is the C300, which has a price point of about…
