From the course: Video Journalism: Storytelling Techniques

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Selecting appropriate video, audio, and lighting gear

Selecting appropriate video, audio, and lighting gear - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Video Journalism: Storytelling Techniques

Selecting appropriate video, audio, and lighting gear

There are two approaches to choosing gear: use what you have or rent gear. Many video producers or small production companies have their own gear, but even if you have a full set of gear, there are times when it's a good idea to rent gear to supplement your setup. Things to consider are whether you're shooting indoors or outside, during daytime or night, will you'll use available light or supplemental lighting? How will you get the sound, will you shoot handheld or use a tripod, and will you conduct formal, sitdown interviews or get sound bites on the fly? To give you a feel for the possibilities, I am going to show you a few camcorders, microphones, and lighting setups. DLRs, digital single lens reflex cameras like this Canon 5D Mark II, are gaining popularity as dual-purpose still cameras and HD camcorders. Their interchangeable lenses are a plus, and their large image sensor means they can have narrow depth of field, which gives video a more filmic look. Their storage media usually…
