From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Don't be predictable in your framing

Don't be predictable in your framing

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Don't be predictable in your framing

- This week on The Practicing Photographer, I want to talk about unpredictable or unusual framings or unusual composition. I don't, I don't really know that I have some grandiose philosophy that I want to explain to you here or talk to you about here. I'm going to show you some pictures that maybe break the rules of composition or framing and talk to you about how I arrived at them. Because in my mind they aren't breaking the rules because there are a lot of different rules. I think that I'm actually following the rules but maybe following them in an unusual way. And I'm not, at the time of shooting these, going "Hey, this is really unusual." I'm just working. Composition is the way not just that you frame your shot. It's the way that you frame your thinking and feeling about the moment that you're experiencing, in a lot of cases. All of these images started with a single impulse. And that's very often how we find…
