From the course: Lighting with Flash: The Basics

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Adding the lights

Adding the lights

So the first thing I am going to do is add my fill light. Because I have built this light from the back so far, we have got only ambient, so I want to kill this for right now. We are going to see how much fill light it's going to take just to bring up detail everywhere on Ramona. So let's see, bring it down pretty close to the lens, tilt it up a little bit, quarter power is just to guess. Let's see how close we are. Okay, I have got a little bit of detail there, but I want to a little more, so I am going to go up to--actually it's a quarter power -2/3rds of a stop, so now add a quarter power 1/3rd, I have added one stop, and that's very close to what I want. So I can see everything in Ramona right now. I don't have any kind of a key light on her yet, but wherever that key light misses I am going to be able to barely see it, which is kind of the ratio that I want. So now let's go in and add what would be our key light on her. So I want you to look at me just the same way you would, and…
