From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Stabilizing clips

Stabilizing clips

After you have good tracking data, one of its uses is to stabilize a clip. You can either use the Tracker node itself to do the stabilizing, or you can use an external Transform node, that uses the stabilizing data generated by the Tracker node. We have a Tracker node that already has all of our tracking data. And I could turn off these zoom windows by deselecting this track here, like that. Now that we're getting ready to use the tracking data its very important to understand this TR and S field. This is saying, for this tracker, I want you to consider it in translation, rotation, or scale calculations depending on which ones you have clicked. You don't necessarily use all of the field for all of the trackers. You may, for example, want one tracker not to contribute to the scaling operation. Let's see how that'll work, let's start with the simplest case. We're going to stabilize in translation by one point. I'm going to use track one here, it's turned on for translation. And you can…
