From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Drawing roto shapes

Drawing roto shapes

Nuke combines rotoscoping and painting in one tool, the RotoPaint node. However, if you just want to draw shapes, you could use the RotoNode. It has exactly the same functionality as the RotoPaint node without the paint features. This provides you a simpler working interface. We'll start by adding a node. I'll come up to my Drawing tab and select Roto. And of course you can see right here there's a keyboard shortcut O, we'll select that, hook it up to our viewer. And when you first open the node, it's ready to draw. So, we'll come into the viewer. And exactly like the Photoshop Paint tool, it's click and drag, click and drag, click and drag, click and drag. And to close, just hit the Return key. Now, in the latest version of the RotoNode, by default, it comes up and draws only in the alpha channel. Also, whenever you draw a shape, it shows up here in the Shape list. You can deselect it from here, or select it in the viewer, and deselect it from the viewer and select it here. Now let's…
