From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

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Changing a worksheet's structure

Changing a worksheet's structure - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel 2010 Essential Training

Changing a worksheet's structure

Very often you'll find the need to insert cells into an existing worksheet. So let me show you how you can do that with rows and columns and even cells right in the middle of a row and column. Well, for example, let's say we wanted a blank column between June and Total. Well let's go up here to the header for Column H and notice the mouse pointer is this down arrow. And just click with the right mouse button and from the pop-up, choose Insert and it inserts a brand-new column right before the column that you clicked. And that's just kind of a Windows standard is new items generally go before the current item, whatever that item is. Could be row or column and so forth. And I am just going to press Ctrl+Z to undo that. Well, what if I select more than one column? Let's go over here and let's select Column B and C. And I have a few techniques to do that. Once you have both Column B and C selected, again, make sure it's this down pointing arrow on the header, right-click, choose Insert…
