From the course: frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

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Dino:Between the time when a disaster strikes and when a formal organization can drop can sometimes be a few days, and in some instances, a few weeks. FEMA approached us for design consulting help to their cause. Liesje:We've identified key ways that FEMA can work with communities ahead of time to really prepare for a response. Dino:This was the first time that a government agency, such as FEMA, approached a design agency, such as Frog, to help tackle this problem. Robert:We as a design firm, found that some very simple tools, like a printed play book, can have a really long life within organizations. Liesje:Part of the role in producing this book was to talk about what it's like for FEMA in a way that allowed someone who's never worked with a design firm to get a sense of what we do and how we approach the problem. Dino:Frog is a global product strategy and design firm. We're solving strategic problems for businesses. And technical design that can mean website, physical product, and…
