From the course: Typography: Hierarchy and Navigation

Getting the most out of this course

From the course: Typography: Hierarchy and Navigation

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Getting the most out of this course

I've included a few resources for this course. These documents have been provided in the Exercise Files tab on the course details page for all subscribers. One of these documents is a list of type blogs and newsletters which feature recent font releases. I recommend you check these out to help you stay plugged into the latest developments and news in the world of typography. Another document is a list of typography books you should take a look at to continue your learning. There's also a list of schools, organizations and conferences that are all about typography. And I'm including links to type management software and type design software. I've also included a quick creative challenge so you can practice the principles in this course. I hope you'll try it. These documents aren't necessary to follow along with this course, but they will give you some helpful resources to keep learning and take your type usage to the next level. With that in mind, let's get started with foundations of typography, hierarchy and navigation.
