From the course: Insights on Illustrative Design

The importance of drawing

- Drawing has been depreciated in terms of how they train people to do creative arts unfortunately. A lot of people would go through a design program and they've never once taken a drawing class or a live drawing class. When I went to art school, it was just part of the curriculum, you took live drawing, we'd go, I went to art school in Seattle, so we'd go down to Pike Place Market and we'd sit there for three or four hours and we'd just draw people, just draw the things we saw. Now, it wasn't because, this was a visual communications program, it wasn't a fine arts school, so they weren't trying to us all into fine artists, it had nothing to do with that. It had everything to do with them understanding the importance of being able to think about ideas and draw those ideas out. Well, if you can't draw to any degree then it's going to be harder to translate ideas and to work through and problem solve visual graphics. So, they saw the connection between drawing skills and ideation and those working together to produce design and they really reinforced the importance of that. So, I reinforce that, the importance of that, all the time and that said, I'm a geek, I love the computer, I love how efficient it makes me, I love how it gives me a lot of flexibility to explore different ideas because it's a lot easier to do that now, before the computer, when you're doing marker comps, it just took a lot more time to work out all these concepts. Well, now, with digital tools, you can do it a lot faster, but, I think what you miss out on is people don't view drawing in the same way that they used to. You know, everybody I went to art school, they all draw, they use drawing in their design on a daily basis, all the logos most people love, all of them started in a drawn form, you know, and they wonder, well, I really wish I could get better at creating logos, okay, well, pick up a pencil and start drawing, exercise, you know. It's now (laughs), now, I'm not one to talk about exercise because I could lose a few pounds, I fully realize that, you know, the director's laughing right now 'cause he relates to me, but, yeah, but when it comes to creative art, you have to do the same thing, no pain no gain, you know, drawing's not easy when you start but if you keep with it, you're going to get better. So, I really think it's something that needs to be really reinforced today more than ever. [Voiceover] So, you're passionate about the subject then? - No, not really, (laughs) [Voiceover] (laughs) - Yes.
