From the course: The Creative Spark: Von Glitschka, Illustrative Designer

The Creative Spark: Von Glitschka, Illustrative Designer - Preview

From the course: The Creative Spark: Von Glitschka, Illustrative Designer

The Creative Spark: Von Glitschka, Illustrative Designer - Preview

- [Voiceover] Every job I've had, I've used my drawing skills to solve design problems. It's like solving a graphic mystery. Before I ever touch the computer in terms of building my artwork, I already know pretty much what the design is gonna look like. It removes the guesswork and it becomes more of craftsmanship. is a good creative exercise for me because it forces me to not over think things. I think it's always good to step outside of your normal routine and expand how you work. Texture exploring for me, it's a creative exercise. As much as I like digital artwork, it can come off too clean, too perfect. Textures gives humanity to digital art. Turn it so we can shoot that and make sure you get the whole board. Most designers, when they step outside of the context of their work, they're gonna discover new worlds of opportunity. (midtempo instrumental music)
