From the course: frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

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"frogThink" collaboration

"frogThink" collaboration

Male:We pride ourselves on this holistic approach and the interaction designers, and anyone who's going to be involved in the program, industrial designers, visual designers. Their there from the beginning, and their there at the end. When we approach a program, we have to do our research. We're really trying to understand the mechanics of disaster relief. At the end of that discovery phrase, what we do is essentially, put our findings on the table with a field innovation team, and started to have those meaningful conversations then. That is essentially the core of what a Frogthink is. Female:Frogthinks are fairly structured for focusing conversations. We make sure that everything has a very specific about of time and we run through a series of activities. Because, one of the goals was to rethink the way that FEMAs perceived on the ground in these situations. The Brand Mash-up worksheet came to mind immediately. If you can give FEMA the opportunity to take on qualities of another…
