From the course: Design the Web: SVG Rollovers with CSS

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Options for combining CSS with SVG

Options for combining CSS with SVG - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Design the Web: SVG Rollovers with CSS

Options for combining CSS with SVG

Now to being the project, lets go into the exercise files. And lets open up important_things.html up in a text editor. And in this HTML, file we're using a standard image tag to link to that important_things.svg graphic. Now if you open this file in a web browser, or if you're coding tool has a preview capability, you can open this file up in a preview. And in either case, inside of the browser, you'll see the SVG graphic showing up. This will be treated like any other regular image tag in HTML. With the exception, however, that since this is an SVG graphic, most modern browsers will resize that graphic as you resize the window. This will not be the case, however, with Internet Explorer. So if we switch over to the windows platform and take a look at this file inside of IE, you'll see that the varying widths are not supported. I can come in here and resize the browser. And once I get under a certain threshold, you'll see a little bit of scaling here. But once I get a little bit wider…
