From the course: Creating an Amazing Life

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Celebrate and connect

Celebrate and connect

The path you're walking down to an amazing life, like we said, is going to be covered in rocks and thorns, twists, turns, things you don't expect. Now, unfortunately, human nature is to wait and celebrate the big victories. And don't get me wrong, you should celebrate the victories, but one of the things I want to encourage you, is to celebrate the small ones, as well. There's nothing worse than a manager who only critiques you when you do something negative, or when you only get that once a year performance review. Tell people when they do something good. Celebrate when you get to a certain milestone. Earlier, when we talked about laying out your path and figuring out the steps along the way, there's nothing wrong with celebrating when you hit one of those. It doesn't have to be a big party, you can do something as simple as, I know I set goals for myself when I'm working on a new book, I'll say, "You know what, if I get 2000 words done today, I "can play a video game, or I can do…
