From the course: Blender: Cloth Simulation

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Quality controls

Quality controls

In this video, we want to look a little more closely at the quality steps option that can be found in the general controls of our cloth modifier. In order to see just what it can do for us, as regards affecting both the motion and final rest position of our simulated cloth. To help us do this, we are once again working with our window scene and animated plane geometry. The quality steps option can in many ways be thought of as a brute force quality control for cloth simulations, that can be used to force both increased and decreased levels of quality for any cloth object residing in the simulation that we are running. In other words, as this is not a global control, but rather one that sits inside a local cloth modifier, we can happily have different cloth objects in the scene, each of which simulate with varying degrees of quality. Dependent of course upon their importance to the shot being produced. The lowest possible value allowed inside the quality steps option is four. As you…
