From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

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How has the design of car interiors changed during your career?

How has the design of car interiors changed during your career?

From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

How has the design of car interiors changed during your career?

So one of the big differences that happened especially for interiors actually also for interiorses, let's talk about gap tolerances. 30 years ago, you would look at the gap tolerances between the door panels or between an interior component, and look at the gap tolerances today of the vehicle. I mean, there are lot tighter, there a lot more consistent as well. So, those tolerances have been enhanced. They've been tuned finely, right, right the way through to very, very small amounts. This leads to the perception of quality. Now, the Germans are masters of this. If you look at the interior of, of a German vehicle, they keep their gaps very small. They keep their gaps very consistent. And that reflects in craftsmanship. And craftsmanship is completely separate area within design itself. I mean that's a group that comes in and they'll tell you, you know, that, that tolerance there or that gaps needs to be better. It's not consistent. So really, tolerances for components now are tighter…
