From the course: Bookmarking Sites for Musicians and Bands

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Using StumbleAds

Using StumbleAds

Stumble as is a way that you can pay to have your site show up during viewer stumbles, and have stumblers give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. It's a pay per click service that you set the limit that you'd like to spend, and the promotion stops when the money runs out. To apply, go to, then hit, Get Started. Once you sign in, you'll put in the website that you'd like to send your users to, in this case, we'll put my production blog. Campaign name or just call it production for now. Next step. Now, we can go, we can find a demographic. My demographic starts at maybe 18, and isn't 90. It's more like 60, somewhere in there, both male and female, and go to the next step. And now if we want, we can target wherever we want. If we'd like to target just the United States for instance, we can do that, or we can say anywhere. And we can even get granular and go down and say I want to target, we'll just say Los Angeles. And now we can set the Target Devices. We can set it so…
