From the course: After Effects Guru: Animating Typography

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Wrapping up

Wrapping up

Well, you've made it. I want to thank you for checking out my course. I hope you found it as enjoyable as I found the process in making the course. Now, if you enjoyed this AE Guru course, I encourage you to check out some of the other courses. There are a myriad of different topics, so please feel free to jump back into the AE Guru series. Now if you want to learn more about After Effects, of course you could jump into the After Effects Essential Training titles. Or if you want to jump into something that's more motion graphics centric, check out one of the Mo Graph techniques courses. There are a couple different authors, and it's going to definitely help push you in the motion graphics industry. They'll feature both After Effects and Cinema 4D courses, so you'll definitely have plenty to work with.
