From the course: Web Motion: Create a Preloader

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Rendering the composition in After Effects

Rendering the composition in After Effects

From the course: Web Motion: Create a Preloader

Rendering the composition in After Effects

Now that we've added the effect and saved the file, we can now output this file in a format that can be readily converted to an animated gif. To get yourself started, open up the file that you saved in the last video and when it opens what we want to do is select composition Add To Render Queue. Now this is a three step process. We need to output this file in a way that will become an animated gif. This means images, and that is set right here in the output module, then we need to name the file in the Output To area, and then we can click the Render button. So let's get started. Click the lostless link, and in the output module settings dialogue box what we're going to choose in the format area, is PNG Sequence. There's nothing here that allows us to create an animated gif, so we're going to have to output a bunch of images that can be read by anybody. So we'll go with a PNG Sequence, and we'll just not worry about the color depth or the channels, just click OK. Click the Output To…
