From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 03 Advanced Animation

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Quizzler challenges

Quizzler challenges

One of the most valuable skills you can learn as a motion graphic artist is the ability to watch somebody else's animation and figure out how it was done. Figure out how you would re- create it in After Effects. In that vein, we have three movies we'd like you to look at and try to figure out and recreate yourself. If you have the project files that came with this lesson, you've got access to these inside the Quizzler Movies folder. First, I am going to open up Quizzler Bounce+Squish. It is very similar to the bouncing ball you saw earlier in the Separate Dimensions movie, but you'll notice at the bottom of the bounces something different is going on. The ball is actually compressing or squishing as it hits. Squishing, by the way, is a really important skill for all sorts of character style or just even cartoon style animations. Let's scrub though this and see what's going on. As we come close here, we're actually compressing the ball and then going back to the normal dimension during…
