From the course: After Effects Guru: Animating Typography

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Multiline dynamic moves with cameras and type animators

Multiline dynamic moves with cameras and type animators - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Guru: Animating Typography

Multiline dynamic moves with cameras and type animators

Now's the time where we actually get to combine a bunch of different techniques to create our finished animation. We're going to multiple lines of text, we're going to have multiple animators and we're actually going to animate the camera on top of that. That's going to be the key to creating a really interesting, cohesive animation. Let's go check it out. Now that we're within the project, you can see that I have just created three lines of text. It's pretty generic, but lets select layer one from my text layer. Now, just to make sure that your workspace looks like mine, go up and make sure that you are in your text preset workspace. If it doesn't look like mine, go ahead and reset the text. And set it to its original layout. Now, I want to give myself a little bit more space, so I'm just going to click and drag down here, just to make this a little larger. As I'm looking at the text, there are a couple of things that bother me, as far as its type setting. There's no real hierarchy…
