From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 02 Basic Animation

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Avoiding problems with switches

Avoiding problems with switches

I'm going to leave you with one good piece of advice, and that's about switches. On my first day in a class, I always have a few students who just like to click switches. They don't seem to do anything, but they click them anyway, and that's fine. I like to make people explore and ask questions. But I have one rule: if you turn on the switch, and it doesn't seem to do anything, put it back in the position it was originally in. It will do something; you just haven't created the right environment yet. Now, some switches are pretty obvious. A lock switch, well, that looks like a lock switch. So when you try to move the layer, when you try to animate it, it's flashing at you, and it will probably remember, oh yeah, maybe that lock switch locked the layer and now I can't edit it. But there are other switches that are not that obvious. For instance, the shy layer, this little guy, Kilroy we call him, you turn that on and nothing seems to happen. It's like okay. And then the next day, you…
