From the course: After Effects Guru: Animating Typography

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Animating colors for legibility

Animating colors for legibility

Now of course when it comes to animating type, you can fly things around the screen. But sometimes, if you want people to just, focus on the words themselves, you can just animate the colors, instead of animating the words themselves. I have a couple different techniques I like to use for animating, colors of things, so, I'll share those with you right now. Let's jump in. So, as we look in our composition, you can see we've got, two layers of text, a gradient, and then our background image. Go ahead and click on, Layer three, and just enable the Solo button. And here, you can see this gradient is colorizing the background. I have the multiply blend mode applied, so you can see the image underneath. Now let's animate, the color for the word Surf. Notice when we select Layer 1, the color in the character panel changes to orange. If we go ahead and open up the options for Layer 1, just by clicking on the disclosure triangle here, we can, open up the text options. So, when we open up…
