From the course: Learning Cloud Service APIs

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Utilizing Google infrastructure

Utilizing Google infrastructure

From the course: Learning Cloud Service APIs

Utilizing Google infrastructure

One of the key components of the Google Cloud Platform, is the Google App Engine. Google App Engine falls in the category known as platform as a service, or P-A-A-S. Generally, platform as a service provide the networks, servers, storage, and other services needed to host applications. The infrastructure that App Engine uses is of course Google's own. Which spans the world. With it, you can host your web and mobile applications, as well as games. In a sense it's the ultimate cloud service. Now once your app is deployed, App Engine manages the service side. And because all you have to worry about is the code, suddenly your app becomes automatically becomes scalable, available to an unlimited number of users working with an unlimited number or size of assets. This auto-scaling means that new instances are generated, databases are shared, bandwidth is increased, all as needed. So how do you work with App Engine? Google App Engine currently supports four different run time environments…
